Applicant’s Full Name:
Last, First, Middle Initial
Home Address:
Street Address, City, State, Zip Code
How long have you lived at this address?:
Home Phone #:
Cell Phone #:
Email Address:
Date of Birth:
Please provide the last 5 digits of your social security number: :
This information is used to verify training certificates
Driver’s License #:
Driver's License Class :
Driver’s State Issued:
Education and Employment |
Where are you currently employed::
Job Title:
Supervisor’s Name:
May we contact your supervisor?:
Education Level:
Other Education:
Please list any other technical/professional degrees:
Previous Fire, Rescue, or EMS experience: |
Have you ever filed an application with the New Windsor Fire Department: : |
If so, when? :
Have you ever been a member if any other fire or rescue department(s)?:: |
If you have been a member of any other fire or rescue department please list department name(s) and date(s)::
Have you ever been denied membership to a fire and/or rescue department?:: |
If so, please give details: :
Have you ever been discharged for misconduct or unsatisfactory service or asked to resign from a fire and/or rescue department?:: |
If you have been discharged, please give details: :
List any firefighting and/or emergency medical certifications that are current. Please provide copies of the certifications: :
Please provide copies of certifications::
Upload documents here: Acceptable formats include DOC, DOCX, PDF, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, TXT, JPEG, PNG
Please list any other professional or volunteer experience that you may have:
List any special training, skills or interests you may have:
Please list any medical restrictions that might/will affect your ability to fulfill the requirements for the classification of membership you have applied for:
Please list any restrictions that might/will affect your availability for volunteer work (work schedule, etc.):
Have you ever been convicted of a felony offense?:
If yes, please provide details :
Personal References |
Reference #1:
Name, Address, Phone Number
Reference #2:
Name, Address, Phone Number
Reference #3:
Name, Address, Phone Number
Emergency Notification Information |
Primary Emergency Contact #1:
Name, Relationship to You, Address, Phone Number, Additional Phone Number
Emergency Contact #2:
Name, Relationship to You, Address, Phone Number, Additional Phone Number
Electronic Signature:
How did you hear about us? : |
Date Submitted:
03/25/2025 1452 |
The facts set forth in my application for membership are true and correct. I understand that a false statement on this application may be considered cause for rejection of this application or termination of my membership. I hereby authorize the New Windsor Fire Department to conduct a work history, reference check, and/or police inquiries as it deems appropriate, and I further release the New Windsor Fire Department of any circumstances that may come out of any investigations. (Note: any information retrieved will be kept confidential and treated as personal). I understand that nothing contained in the membership application promises anything regarding membership, and I understand that no such promise is binding upon the New Windsor Fire Department unless made in writing.
If elected to the Department, I understand that I am a part of the New Windsor Fire Department, and therefore I can be requested to resign or be terminated or expelled from membership. Causes for termination or expulsion from membership may include, but are not limited to:
- Failure to comply with the bylaws of the Department
- Failure to comply with the policies and procedures of the Department
- Providing false or misleading information on this application
By my electronic signature above, I affirm that I have read and understood these statements and I further agree to the provisions contained herein.